Dec 14, 2010

In His Hands

I am reproducing a meaningful verse written by Roy Lessin which really speaks to me. As we often start to wind down for the year around this time, and start casting our thoughts to the new year, we wonder what the new year would be like. Would there be new resolutions to make (and to break)? What does our future hold for us?

For me, this holds even more significance as I know that there are key changes in my life as I seek new directions in what I want to do.

In the midst of the struggle - have I made the right decision to give up something so stable and known, and venture into the unknown? What am I doing? Is it a brave decision, or foolhardy? What are God's plans for me? In doing this, am I working within His plan for me?

I am thankful for Roy Lessin's words, that remind me that it is all IN HIS HANDS. And God has me in the palm of His hands and He will never let me go. Hallelujah!

In His Hands
My steps, my times, my plans, Lord, are daily in your hands—
as a yielded servant, I wait on Your command.
I want to seek your kingdom and have You reign in me—
so I can live before You as one who’s been set free.
I cast my cares upon You and trust You for each day—
I want the way You planned for me to be what I obey.
I have no expectations, there only is Your will—
no need to strive or worry, my heart needs to be still.
As I learn about You, I’ve come to realize—
You do so many little things that take me by surprise.
Each day is an adventure as I set my heart on You—
my heart’s in constant wonder as I see the things You do.
I’ll let You do Your work, Lord, please have Your perfect way—
Thank You for Your mercies that are new for me each day!
My times are in Your hands. Psalm 31:15 AMP


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