May 2, 2011

I know the plans YOU have for me

Just the other day, I heard a reply that put a damper on my hopes. It was about a work assignment I was to take on in a couple of months' time, but somehow, due to scheduling conflicts, I could not be included in the team. That was a piece of disappointing news to me. I had looked forward to working in that organisation and on that particular assignment, and both parties had been in contact about it for close to two months now.

I realised that in the midst of the disappointment, I had to cling on all the more to Jeremiah 29:11:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

In fact, I personalise that declaration and promise from God to me: That God knows His plans for ME, to prosper ME and not to harm ME, and to give ME hope and a future!

How wonderful it is to also receive Roy Lessin's Confession of Faith. In fact, I see it as my prayer today:

"In Your unfailing love You will lead the people You have redeemed. In Your strength You will guide them to Your holy dwelling. Exodus 15:13 NIV
I believe my life is in God’s hands and keeping. I believe He has a plan and purpose for my life and that He is leading me in a path that will fulfill that plan and purpose. I believe it is a good plan, a right plan, and the best plan. I believe there is not a better, higher, or wiser way for me to live or way for me to follow. I believe God knows exactly what He is doing and that He will bring things into my life at the exact time they are needed. I believe He wants me to follow Him with praise on my lips for who He is, with thanks in my heart for what He does, and with obedience in my steps for what He asks me to do.
I believe God is true:
The Lord is the true God and the God of truth (the God Who is Truth). Jeremiah 10:10 AMP
I believe God is the true God. From Him, and Him alone, comes all truth. He is true in His character and nature. He will never speak a lie or live a lie. Every word He speaks is true, every promise He makes is true, every deed He does is true. I believe He is true to me. His love is true love, His kindness is true kindness, His concern is true concern, His comfort is true comfort. I believe God is my true north, my anchor point, my certainty, my confidence. I believe I can walk with my eyes set upon Him, with my faith resting upon Him, and with my heart fixed upon Him, knowing He will not and cannot fail.
Amen! God is a good and faithful God, worthy of praise and worship!
I'm choosing to trust in HIM, that when one door closes, He will open another one, a better one, the RIGHT one.

God bless!

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